
Home Is Where You Hang Your Horses

7:00 AM

Full disclosure, I am a horse-loving girl trapped in a woman's body.  As a child I dreamed of decorating my home with a healthy mix of model horses and Ralph Lauren equestrian prints and plaids.  As quaint and ridiculous as that sounds, it seems a lot of my favorite home designers didn't grow out of their horse phase either, and I'm loving these looks across the internet:

via @naturalcuriosities
Stirrup book ends! via
I want to move in right now!  A tansu chest, plaid chairs, and a painting that I am lusting over and need to find out the artist immediately so I can find out how many future children I will have to sell to afford it.... via
A dream office complete with antelope rug.  You know, for adult horse-inspired day dreaming. via

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