
Currently Obsessed

6:00 AM

My current obsessions...

[Twin Forks "Cross My Mind"]

Another song I fell in love with from a Korean show's soundtrack.  I have been playing Twin Forks on repeat on my Spotify.  What songs are you playing over and over again these days?

[Essie - Back in the Limo]

I have finally found the perfect peachy pink!  The ones I've had in the past have been too peach, too pink, or too sheer.  This one is the perfect shade for when you can't decide what color to wear.  You can buy it here!

[Southern Charm Christmas Stocking]

Okay, this is totally adorable and up my alley.  But I don't know about you, $65 for a stocking?!  Whew.


Does this officially make me an old lady or what? I am totally obsessed with knitting these days.  I'm already on my scarf #3 of the season and I can't stop!  I'm thinking about making a blanket next.  When I saw this one from Pottery Barn, I totally thought to myself "I could make that for cheaper".  

[Gruyere Bacon Mac and Cheese]

This recipe is to die for.  It is not healthy by any means but .... YOLO, right? I know I went there.  It is all kinds of heavenly.  

Any current obsessions you are loving these days? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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