
Friday Favorites: Halloween Costumes

6:00 AM

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and it's only a week away!  I've definitely had my share of creating fun costumes!  In the above picture, my best friends and I were flamingos a couple of years back and that costume is one my favorites.  We handmade our costume with tutus and feathers and wore rubber gloves on our feet. We've also dressed up as sheep one year, which was a lot of fun but very hot.  We basically wore hoodies with cotton balls glued to them. I still have the sheep costume in the hopes that my future child and I can match one day.  Here are some other creative ideas if you are looking to have a D.I.Y. costume!

My best friend and her boyfriend did this last year, and they look adorable!

For your furry friends-

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  1. The Chia Pet costume is quite funny. I feel like a human version of it would be hilarious. Wrap yourself in artificial plant leaves and then a dog nose and ears or something. -- Jenn
