
Fall Finds

7:00 AM

Sometimes you are just in a mood when you go shopping, and it is hard not to be in a "fall" state of mind with the bombardment of people wearing scarves on Pinterest and the instagram shots of Pumpkin Spice Lattes dancing across your screen.  When I opened my bags from my most recent shopping excursion, fall has sunk its hooks in deep.  And I don't mind one bit.

Thanks to Lucy's recent post about Oxford shoes, I decided the pair I was eyeing at Target needed to come home with me after all.  By the way, they are incredibly comfortable.  Yes, I have worn them to work already.  They also come in a darker brown color if you are on the market.

There is a Charming Charlie store that opened up right next to my local Target, so I made the mistake of walking across the parking lot to check it out.  I say mistake because I bought another scarf, which makes me an official scarf hoarder.  Luckily, I don't mind wearing scarves almost every day of the week from October to March, so it should get a good home in the rotation.  And navy and tan plaid? Just too classic to leave it behind.

I took this photo from Lucy's pinterest account.  I will blame some of my scarf purchases on being friends with her because she is always posting (and wearing) the best scarves!! via

While there, I made another impulse decision to buy a silver equestrian inspired bracelet.  Most of my jewelry is gold now, so I decided that silver needed to make a bit of a comeback for fall.  The big problem is that this bracelet has a magnetic clasp, which seems convenient, but I lost it the first time I wore it.  Luckily someone found it and we were able to reunite, but my next project is to buy an extra latch to secure this better.  Do NOT buy magnetic jewelry.  It is always a mistake, even if it reminds you of your love for horses.

Also, is anyone else wearing their class ring?  I started wearing mine this spring, and I just find that I never take it off.  I know it is not as trendy as a big statement ring, but I think they can make a comeback for fall.  Thoughts?   What are your impulse fall purchases so far?

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