
Quirky Terrarium LoveFest

7:00 AM

Well what was I going to title this post after all?  I just got back from visiting one of my best friends in Austin, Texas and in addition to great food and nightlife, this town knows what to do with a succulent.  Now more than ever I am committed to making a terrarium masterpiece in my own home. But I just have too many ideas calling my name:

What's not to love here? via
In Raleigh, Ramble Supply Co. is your one-stop terrarium couture destination

Love this idea for a kitchen window -- you can find inexpensive glass bowls for hanging terrariums at Home Goods these days!  via
Yes, you can apparently plan succulents in seashells, glue a magnet on the back, and make the most fashionable refrigerator decor known to mankind.  via 

And I feel like maybe it wouldn't really go with the current decor of my home, but is it too early to make a kid's room with rubber dinosaur terrariums?  Because I would probably hang out in there all the time.
Kind of fell in love with these brightly painted dinosaur terrariums by Austin's own Plaid Pigeon.  Check the Esty store for your own.
Or these sophisticated (?) gold ones from @verdeterrariums

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