
lulie wallace

6:00 AM

I discovered Lulie Wallace's beautiful work through Megan over at Holy City Chic.  This Charleston based artist has tons of variations of her work on her website.  She has original artwork, prints, note cards, lunch boxes, you name it!  Lulie Wallace's pieces are Southern, bright, colorful, and a little bit funky.  Not your usual grandma floral art.  I can't begin to tell you all the things I want from her website.

Coincidentally, Lulie is hosting a pop up shop today at Furbish Studio from 5pm to 8pm! I love these exclusive orchid paintings - and they're giving you a real orchid in a blue and white pot? Perfect!

 Anyone else a fan of her artwork?

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  1. Her work is so lovely! I love the wallcovering too! I wish I lived closer I would love to stop by! xo K
