
D.I.Y Projects I May Actually Attempt

8:34 AM

Let's face it ladies, there are a million D.I.Y projects that we see on Pinterest but how many of those have you actually mdone? I know that I have a board full of ideas that I keep pinning "just in case".  I actually love doing crafts but always find that I either don't have the time or decide that it is just too much work and I'll pay more to buy the finished product elsewhere.  Well, since I've been hibernating inside (what is up with this weather in the South?!), I thought maybe if I shared these with you, it may motivate me more to try them soon. 

<Paint a Globe>
So this globe is actually from Anthropologie and it costs $198.  Yup, $198. I always have found globes to be neat and you can easily paint your own!  They are easy to spot at Home Goods or thrift stores and would be an easy project to make it your own.

<Wine Cork Magnets>
Has anyone tried this project? I have so many wine corks and I've always wanted to do something creative with them, besides making the obvious cork board.  I thought these little magnets would be cute.  

<Homemade Candles>
Okay, so you might think I'm crazy but I actually want to attempt making candles at home.  I love burning candles and to make one exactly how you want it to smell would be amazing! Plus this tutorial seems simple enough to follow.

<DIY Key Hook>
I thought this was a cute idea! I can never find a key hook I like and I'm the kind of a person who has to have a place for everything in my life.  Just find a frame, a print you love, and 3M hooks, and you are all set!  I think this print from Etsy would be perfect.  I saw this on Kate's instagram here.  Fun fact - she is a huge, successful blogger now, but years ago, she worked for me at Banana Republic! She always had the best hair so it all makes sense :)

Are there any D.I.Y projects that you are wanting to attempt?

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  1. I don't want any part of a project that pairs knives with wine corks after nearly cutting my finger off, but definitely they are cute magnets! Jenn

  2. The first one is so cute!!!! Unfortunatly I dont have a globe.. Loved the post!
    Xx Andrea

    1. This one is very small (only about 5 inches tall) but a great price and not attractive enough that you would mind painting over it honestly: Target Globe I have bought a larger globe at Target for under $15 in the past too, so you might be able to get a good deal there!
