
Friday Favorites: Stylish Shelves

7:04 AM

One of the first pieces of furniture I got when I finally got an apartment of my own was a bookcase.  And ever since, I have been reorganizing and rearranging it like a crazy person.  I love to change up the way my books are on there and adding new accents (or random knick knacks if you will).  If there was a job where you hired a person to come into your home to redecorate and rearrange, I would be your girl.  Below are some of my favorite tchotchkes (love this word, by the way) around our home.

similar to what i have

Can we talk about how adorable this knick knack is? I had to buy this in Korea while we were there for our honeymoon. 

My most recent blue and white item that I picked up at Home Goods.  

There are so many different ways to style shelves:


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