
Paint It Black

6:30 AM

What do y'all think about painting your front door black?  I know that most people are all about a bright red door, turquoise door, or any other color of the rainbow.  But lately I've been stuck on painting our door and the shutters black.  Currently they are all green, and I'm itching to paint the door and possibly replace the shutters.  The color isn't all bad, but I hate the thought of not being able to hang my green wreaths there (I know, first world problems). 

my adorable fur ball, tater, posing at our front door

I contemplated painting the door red, because I see houses with black shutters and red door, and I melt. But I'm not sure how that would look against the red brick.  It would look amazing with green wreaths though.

You're right, it would look better if I didn't have a red brick house.  Then I thought about navy, but then I kept thinking, why not black? It is classic and looks so chic.  Plus, I will (hopefully) never get tired of it.

What are your thoughts? Anyone have experience in painting your front door? I would love any tips or tricks!

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  1. I think with your brick color black would be a good choice. It would create a nice contrast! Jenn
