
What's Old is New Again

7:00 AM

If you grew up in the South, there's a pretty good chance you've seen Dodie Thayer's iconic Lettuce Ware pottery somewhere in your lifetime.  Maybe at your grandmother's house, or your aunt's, or even at your own place stored in the back of some china cabinet to be brought out for use only on Easter Sunday.  Thayer pioneered the pottery back in the 1960s by molding clay with the leaves of cabbages, and celebrity hostesses like Jackie Kennedy are said to have been fans.  Like most relics from our past that once seemed dated and destined for flea market trivia, Lettuce Ware is suddenly back with a vengeance this month as Tory Burch presents her collaboration with Dodie Thayer for an updated take on Lettuce Ware dining.  Collectibles of Thayer pieces had been sky rocketing in prices at estate sales and auctions for the past five years, and once again Burch seems to know just what the masses want before we realize we were wanting it.  The updated collection blends perfectly with classic pieces dating back to the 60s, so you can mix and match with your mom's collection or add a piece or two more if you are needing to make a set.  The other great thing about Lettuce Ware is that personally I think it looks best with just a piece or two paired with white or other china -- no need to go crazy and get a full place setting for 6 unless you just really like lettuce.

Thayer for Tory Burch collection via
I'm especially partial to the larger bowls and the mugs with their root-like handles. via
If you didn't have spring fever before, just imagine getting to sit at this table. via

Prices range from $150 for a large serving bowl to $120 for a pair of cups and saucers, so definitely you won't be dining on lettuce pottery on the cheap.  Cue a mad dash to craigslist before someone realizes that they are sitting on priceless Lettuce Ware collectibles.

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