
Madcap Plaid: Kate Spade NYFW F/W 2015

8:00 AM

The first few instagram and pinterest images are coming in from NYFW, and from what I've seen so far definitely it's been the Kate Spade show that is getting more attention from me.  I really can't tell if I love it or hate it.  The plaid pieces are beautiful.  The oddly placed fur accents and fox obsession are kind of 1990 living room huntscene gone mad.  Can't tell if I hate it or somehow want to own most of it.  Even the cooky horseback riding inspired helmet hat with oversized pom-pom.  You know you'd wear it too.

This plaid trench is absolutely lovely with black leather gloves.  But the fox-eared fur hat reminds me of the knitted toboggans of cartoon characters that you'd buy for your pre-schooler.  via
A fuzzy fur purse anyone? via
Ok, you may disagree but I think this hat is just great!  I would wear that right now (in the black pom pom version at least)!  via
This looks like Fendi Fur Monster made love with the owl from the original Clash of the Titans, I don't see how that exact thought didn't go through the mind of whoever designer this, and yet they said to themeself, "just what we need!" after having that thought. via
Will instantly begin looking for some sort of cheaper knock off of these. via
This bag and those shoes: yes. via
And then crazy happens again.  Really maybe a fur stole with sequin eyes would be easier to pull off if you weren't wearing a sequined plaid shift dress? via
Close-up please. via
Maybe this looks a little crazy too, but I love this outfit from head to foot.  Do have to admit if I'm wearing a fur hat I would want to wear socks at least.  But I think these wider leg ankle length pants are great for any other time of year! via
Ok this is probably the most boring look from the whole show, but you know this is the one that will sell.  That coat is just perfect, and the sequined loafers are quite charming too. Yes, it's hard to make a navy turtleneck and a grandmother length plaid skirt look cool, but who cares because the coat! via

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