
Coffee Table Envy

6:00 AM

I love a good styled coffee table.  When I see a coffee table styled like the one above, I wonder if they have dogs.  Or kids.  In my household, with a 70 lb goldendoodle, who is nosey and curious about everything around him, I could never imagine having a stylish table like that.  We literally have nothing on ours now.  I have serious coffee table envy when I see these on blogs and websites.

Do any of you out there have the same problem?  Or is it just me?  

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  1. I love these coffee table decor! Happy New Year! =D

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  2. Love the first one -- I feel like you can just clip some greenery from bushes around your neighborhood and achieve that effect. Definitely not having children (human or fur babies) is essential to having ceramics on your coffee table. But I've found if I don't put some chintz on mine it gets covered in opened mail and computers instead. Actually adding clutter that's decor helps keep mine clean looking! -- Jenn
