
Current Obsessions

6:00 AM

*I love this time of the year - especially right between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But I feel like it goes by so fast!  I just love seeing lights and Christmas décor everywhere you go. 

*My Fall uniform - I prefer warm weather BUT I just love my fall clothes so much more.  I love layering, thick scarves, cozy sweaters, and riding boots.  So comfy!  By the way, these boots are amazing.  I bought a pair in whiskey this year and I wish I had them in every color.  They are very comfortable and the calves fit so well (which I find that some are so loose).

*Why didn't I think of this?  Make your own ginger jar ornaments!  This blog post is a great tutorial on how to make your own blue and white ornaments.  I may have to attempt this project!

*I have always kept my hair really long, except for a few times in my life when I have made the impulse decision to chop it off.  And of course I immediately regret it and hate the process of growing it back out.  I keep seeing pictures like the one above and I am thinking about cutting it again... knowing me, I'll remain Plain Jane and keep my hair the same. 

*As mentioned in this post, Anna Spiro is one of our favorites.  Her new book would make the perfect gift for a coffee table book lovers! 

TGIF, friends! 

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  1. I love this time of year too but it does go by SO fast. Especially because the last two years Thanksgiving has been so late :(

  2. That length hair is really doable but you will get a pitiful ponytail and no side braids! I miss mine so much I won't cut if for years now. But sometimes a little change spices things up (and reminds you that you love ponytails in my case haha) Jenn

  3. Sienna, I know right? I guess I didn't think about how Thanksgiving has been late the last couple of years. That would make sense as to why time goes by so fast until Christmas!

    Jenn, you know i probably will never cut my hair and become Rapunzel :)
