
Blue Willow Craigslist Dining Room

7:00 AM

Today The Pink Pagoda is having a Blue and White Bash Linkup, and I couldn't think of a better time to post about my Craigslist dining room.   If you are interested in joining in the group just follow this button to the source!

I know I talk a lot about Craigslist, but if you love vintage or traditional furniture there is really a treasure trove of goodness to be found.  You just have to be persistent.  I bought this dining room set from someone that was moving, and because many young couples don't have a practical need for traditional dining rooms, these types of sets are easily found for under $1000 (mine was $500 but there are quite a few scratches on the table).  Just remember, traditional furniture doesn't have to look outdated and stuffy.  Blue Willow china is really the glue that holds this together for me -- it is classic enough to look at home with traditional furniture but still feels modern enough for 2014.  And while we don't eat here often, seeing my room everyday makes me very happy, just knowing we could have people over and enjoy a meal and a drink together at a moment's notice.  Having the dining room set all the time for guests makes it seems so much more usable and approachable!  Plus, why do I want all my silverware and glassware and china locked away in a cabinet?  Now I just have to invite people in small enough groups to make use of it!

Thomasville Dining Room Set, Johnson Brothers Willow Blue China, Gold chargers and napkins from World Market, as is the mirrored tray

I love mixing blue and white with gold, and chargers are a great way to add dimension to your place setting

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  1. Beautiful ladies, I love the great buys, wonderful mirrored tray!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Thank you so much! I will definitely head over to your site to get some more inspiration -- Jenn

    2. Looks like cherry not maghony

  2. Your dining room and table are beautiful. I love the way you mixed traditional mahogany furniture with Chinoiserie. And bravo to you for finding your awesome furniture on Craig's List!

    1. Thank you so much! I have a craigslist obsession so if you know of any good blogs you follow about craigslist finds I would love recommendations!

  3. Thank you for linking up to The Bash! Isn't Craigslist amazing? Beautiful table : )
