
A Picture Book is Worth A Thousand Words

7:00 AM

Another holiday, another massive influx of sale and clearance emails to dig through.  Of course, I love shopping, but it seems truly rare that these holiday sales really deliver something new.  Everyone on the fashion blogosphere is raving about the Nordstrom sale this weekend, but guys, it's just the same stuff they had on the Anniversary sale a month ago (I'm sure there are some new additions, but honestly...).  In an oversaturated internet world of consumerism, it can be hard to pay attention when someone actually recommends a product they actually like.

Today I want to talk about the most amazing company for making your own photo albums: Picaboo.  I don't have any sponsorships; I'm not getting paid to do this.  I am just sharing the great photo album that I made for my wedding keepsake through this company, inspired by the very good sales they have going on this Labor Day weekend. This weekend you can order an 8x8 hardcover photo album with 40 pages for only $20.  And the best part is, you don't have to make your album and order it in one weekend.  You just buy the voucher now, and take the time you need making your album, editing, re-editing as many times as you'd like.  I know it took me over a month to make my wedding album because I would work on it a few hours at a time.  There are so many formatting options, fonts, and lay-outs to explore, you really don't need to rush things.  The quality is amazing, and it makes a wonderful gift as well.  If you are on the market for a way to preserve your wedding or any other special pictures -- be it vacations or college memories or family photos, I really can't recommend this company more!

All photography featured in these albums are from the amazingly talented Perry Vaile

I am not a graphic designer (obviously) but I felt like their album building software was so user-friendly that I totally customized my entire album without using any pre-made template.  You can also order prints, iPhone cases, calendars, cards, you name it from them.  I have some prints on the way right now with their 30% off code and free shipping to try to start making a gallery wall (wish me luck).  Enjoy your holiday and try not to spend too much time indoors shopping on the internet!

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