
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Loving Lately

Here's a Saturday morning roundup for your AM coffee--doesn't it taste sooo good on your mornings off when you have nothing pressing but a stack of catalogs to flip through from this week's mail and catching up on your favorite blogs?  Taxes can wait until post-coffee; better brew a large cup.

This week I've been loving:

-Pineapples in excess a la @lux113.  My husband takes to these /slightly/ better than he does to ceramic Staffordshire dogs.  By which I mean, not at all.

- Friday night I hung out with one of my best friends and we had a perfect girl's night: a few spring seasonal beers and the 2016 World Championship Figure Skating Finals.  Doubting me on this? Just check out the performance by repeat champ Javier Fernandez. 

- Looking for deals and doings around Raleigh? The new app Pockeyt connects you directly to some of the most popular independent stores, restaurants, and bars in the Triangle.  It's such an easy, simple way of finding new local businesses to support, and getting that "Raleigh insider" experience.

- Can't wait for patio season.  We've enlisted the desperate help needed to build a patio with some shade in our backyard.  The bones are just coming together but I'm excited to see how things progress from my original sketch! When everything is finished I'll post before and afters.

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