
Around Town

7:00 AM

Spring is begrudgingly happening in North Carolina it seems (still so cold!) but we couldn't stay cooped up inside any longer so we went out this weekend anyway. This past weekend we celebrated Lucy's birthday with a night of dinner and drinks at Shuckers Grill and Oyster Bar and then out to The Empress Room and Clockwork.  It seems that the Glenwood South area is once again the place to be for late 20-30 year olds to enjoy a drink with some semblance of personal space honored.  Also, really loved the decor and vibe at The Empress Room, so just going for the velvet cocoon chairs, red chandeliers, and baby grand piano would be worth the trip.

The Empress Room

Birthday girl
Saturday we also made it out for Cary's annual Beer and Bacon Fest.  Tons of great local food and beverages but here's some of our favorites from the day:

The Fire Pit's "Texas Tater" was a gourmet masterpiece of bacon, mashed potato and a kick of jalapeno.  Somehow they missed first place by a few votes.

The Texas Tater via
Always a big fan of Relish whose bacon mac and cheese did not disappoint, and a personal fave for me was Cannon Catering's Bacon Chowder.  I might have had 2 samples.  If you are needing a caterer for an upcoming wedding or event, their chowder was definitely legit so I imagine the rest of their food would be great too!

Wholesome cheese and bacon goodness.  And warm enough to make you forget it's 40 degrees and you are outside and wishing it was actually spring.  via

Now for the libations.  There were two really big standouts for both me and my husband (so universal recommendation haha).  If you are picking up a new craft beer, try Carolina Brewery's Spring Bock.  And another pleasant surprise was Sugarland Shine's Butterscotch Gold.  Very smooth and sweet without being too puckery or sugary. It made me want to try their Apple Pie version too.

A new favorite! via

In other news, we got a really interesting piece of mail on Friday from Dish Network.  Apparently our last name hit the Asian mailing list filter, so we got a bright red envelope from Dish written in Chinese characters and advertising their programming selections.  I don't know why we found it so amusing.  Probably because no one at our house can read anything it says.  I sometimes wonder about cultural marketing like this -- I'm sure it is effective to reach Chinese viewers by sending out information written in their language, but it does seem really stereotypical.  Maybe lay off the Chinese lanterns and red envelope mess and just send a normal looking letter written in Chinese?

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